Which is better?
Digital is probably one of the most accessible methods of photography today. Once you have a camera and a storage method, you can start shooting. There are also plenty available for a reasonable price on second hand sites. There are two main types of digital camera – non-interchangeable (fixed lenses) and interchangeable lens. Interchangeable lens systems also come in two main forms: DSLR and mirrorless. DSLRs have a mirror in them that allows for the photo to be taken, and mirrorlesses do not. DSLRs are much cheaper than mirrorless, but they are older technology now.
Easily accessible
Photos can be edited easily
Easy to learn
Can be expensive to start out
Some cameras may have discontinued replacement parts
Film Film cameras are a method of photography that use light sensitive film in order to take pictures, instead of storing them digitally. These films then have to be developed using various chemicals. This can either by done in a darkroom, or by a developing company (Boots offers this service in some stores). There is currently a major revival in film, which means that it is a lot easier to find film cameras, new and second-hand, but they have increased dramatically in price. Pros
The permanence can be fun to experiment with
Experiencing a revival currently
Different films can provide different effects
Film and developing is very expensive
Second hand cameras can be older and more prone to defects/ lens fungus
Instant cameras are a form of photography that allows for the photo to be printed and developed immediately after shooting. Most will allow you to take a picture, and then it will come out of a slot on the camera. They will either need light or heat to develop, depending on the camera and film. There are two main companies making instant cameras and compatible films currently: Polaroid and Fujifilm Instax. Third party companies can also make cameras for these specific films. Most instant cameras are very portable, and are a lot easier to carry around compared to a full camera.
Very portable and quick
Easy way of sharing photos with friends
Variety of films available for different effects
Film and cameras are expensive
Photos can come out looking quite dark
So, which is actually better?
To put it simply, it depends on what you want to use your camera for. All are great for a variety of reasons, and it is simply up to personal preference. Digital is the most economical in the long term, but film and instant can be more fun because of how permanent they are. All have their place, but based on my opinion alone, digital is the best simply because of the cost effectiveness and editability that it provides.

Original images taken by Ellie Haine